报告题目:Development of Modern Cryptography and Network Security
Modern cryptography, also calledPublic-key Cryptography, was invented in 1976 which provides fundamental security services to most network security applications. In this talk, I will introduce the development history of conventional cryptography and modern cryptography. Trade-offs between conventional and modern cryptographies will also be discussed. Some network security services, such as secure email, secure e-payments, and current trends of security development will be addressed.
报 告 人:韩亮(Lein Harn)教授
韩亮(Lein Harn)是美国UMKC(University of Missouri-Kansas City)计算机科学与电子工程系资深教授(Full Professor),在密码学与安全、密码算法设计、秘密共享、用户认证协议、密钥协商、安全无线网络、安全自组网以及传感器网络方面进行了深入研究。在PGP安全电子邮件以及现代密码学方面出版了两本专著,在国际顶级期刊如IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, IEEE Trans. on Computers, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, IEEE Communications Letters等以主要作者身份发表论文100余篇,同时在Crypto, Asiacrypt等著名国际会议上发表了众多论文。威尼斯官网