报 告 人:金贤安 教授
The geometric dual of a cellularly embedded graph is a fundamental concept in graph theory and also appears in many other branches of mathematics. The partial dual is an essential generalization which can be obtained by forming the geometric dual with respect to only a subset of edges of a cellularly embedded graph in terms of ribbon graphs. Twisted duality is a further generalization from combining partial Petrials with partial duals.
In this talk, we answer two problems raised by Ellis-Monaghan and Moffatt in 3[Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364(3) (2012), 1529-1569].
Q1: Is it possible to characterize those embedded graphs, without degree restrictions, that have a checkerboard colorable twisted dual?
Q2: If G is a 4-regular embedded graph, which of its twisted dual are also 4-regular and checkerboard colorable?
金贤安,男,1976年2月生,厦门大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师。主要在图论、组合纽结论及其应用等领域从事研究工作,已在AAM, JGT, JCTA, PAMS等国际著名期刊发表学术论文60篇。曾应邀在中国组合数学与图论大会、中国数学会年会、亚洲数学大会和国际拓扑及其应用大会等做学术报告。